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Flaum Technologies is the expert in providing software tools that automate complex commission calculations for large and 
                    small companies worldwide. CommisionCalc
olo CommissionCalc
In Depth

CommissionCalc Overview

CommissionCalc will compute your commissions and rebates automatically, slash time, eliminate errors, and supercharge salesperson motivation. [more]

Joe Brown implemented Dewitt's business software.
Then he automated commissions. Listen to him explain this experience - 6 months trying to develop custom commission and rebate software, and how things changed after he found CommissionCalc.

Practical Automation for "Impossible" Plans

CommissionCalc handles the most complex plans.

And, because it
uses technology which once cost
ten times as much,
it is ideal for companies of all sizes.
Market Segments
Only rule-driven commission software lets you specify your commission rules – any formulas, logic, and exceptions, even those unique to your company. You don't have to select from a predefined list of rules.

However, fixed-function and rule-driven software aren't the only types. There are actually four types of commission software. To compare them, download your free copy of our white paper,
The Best Commission Calculator for You.

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